Yellow Sash – Challenge


After the first step, it is important to keep at it. With this programme you go deeper into the basis of the positions and kung fu stances and learn how to practice and apply them correctly. This is an especially important course for all Kung Fu fighters, as only on a good basis can something excellent be created. Start now!

Get the exam and bonus content included, have your progress confirmed with a video exam at the end of the course and get tips from GM Martin Sewer’s top students!

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The following courses are part of this package:

Yellow sash test

completed the Yellow Sash course and are now ready for the exam, good luck!

Yellow sash

Well done, you've taken the first step with the white sash. Now it's time to deepen what you've learned, get stronger, and build your stamina. You will learn more about the achievements of the famous Hung Gar fighters from our family tree, be curious about their stories. Let's move on!

Additional information


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